Tuesday, January 31, 2012

After researching and looking through some of the diaries letters and other memorobilia, I have engaged interest in WW1. I've never given much thought as I do now to the Great war, but instead considered it an unconcerning event that was so long ago that it has nothing to do with me, and not realizing its vast importance. I am slowly understanding that this war was not so long ago and the men fighting in it were people like me. Other than the clothes and some of the new crazy languages we teenagers speak now, these men were more or less just like me. These thoughts along with the various memorobilia I looked at are showing me the true realism of this war.



Monday, January 23, 2012



Friday, January 13, 2012

GWF Research

I learned from the online articles the history of the 16 ships. I learned where they stopped and the different problems they had such as coal shortage.